I think they spent more money on the opening sequence than the actual movie.
None of this movie was remotely close to any reality.
The first scene was literally 15 minutes. From the look and feel of it, it was likely shot in the UK with British actors trying to speak with American accents, but then sometimes there were British accents, so it was all too confusing. But since they never really let you know where this is taking place you have to guess. Every shot was either inside or in a really tight closeup or using shallow depth of field so we can't see it was shot in the UK. This was a poor attempt to recreate Pulp Fiction.
It was so irritating to watch. They had constant sirens going in the background during the main location with lights flashing, but nothing was ever established, due to the low budget, so nothing made much sense.
The special effects were hilarious and the writing was like an excerpt from a BLM Blogspot, but in the end, it wanted to be too many things at once. NOTHING was believable.
I don't know if this was a comedy or what, but it was 100% embarrassing.