The Rock and Roll Dreams of Duncan Christopher was definitely worth the time and money.If the movie has a drawback for me it would be found in the first five minutes. A couple of the scenes felt awkward and uncomfortable, but maybe that was deliberate. I got over it became involved in the story very quickly. The setting is beautifully shot and effective in preparing the stage for the characters, the problems they deal with, and the journey they take. It shows off the state very well. The characters, while odd and almost caricature-like at first, become very real. I came to care deeply not only about both of the main characters but also several of the supporting characters. I loved Duncan and Charlie. Their relationship rang true,as did their quirky choices. I laughed and cried and became very invested emotionally in their outcomes. Along with being an entertaining way to spend an evening, this movie has substantial takeaways for an audience demographic that would range from early to mid adulthood. I loved the movie and would see it again.