I had been hoping this would be more than a primer - it didn't rise above the entry level, but that is OK because I think it was intended for newbies, not aficionados.
All the same, kind of fun and innocuous, unless seeing folks ingesting psylocybin is a turn-off. The factoid shroom was amusing, even if it did resemble low-key PBS early morning children's viewing stylings.
I would highly recommend a follow-up attempt as mycophobia in America is endemic. Go for more identification of edible species, highlight more of the "eat these and die a terribly horrible death" shrooms, include a section exclusively for the psychoactive shroom examples (c'mon, they mentioned amanita muscaria without sharing about the various types of amanitas in the wild nor did they clearly state - PROCEED WITH CAUTION WHEN EATING THIS VARIETY).
A good attempt that generally informs and entertains and they surely left plenty of room for others to do it even better - where are you Discovery Channel?