[Maggie has made a pre-trial motion to remove Eli from the opposing team because he claims to be a prophet]
Maggie Dekker: Last year he predicted the Silver Terrace earthquake to some public notoriety.
Eli Stone: Which actually supports the idea that I could be, you know... special.
Maggie Dekker: Which is an unfair advantage in a jury trial. What juror wouldn't be swayed by the fact plaintiff's counsel counts God as one of his clients?
Eli Stone: She's right.
Maggie Dekker, Taylor Wethersby: [together] She is?
Eli Stone: Insofar as the personal details of the trial attorneys may prejudice the jury.
Maggie Dekker: Your honor...
Eli Stone: [interrupting Maggie] So we should make sure that they don't find out that Ms. Dekker and I slept together last week.
Maggie Dekker: That is totally inappropriate and prejudicial!
Matt Dowd: [talking over Maggie] You dog! I knew it was just a matter of time.
Eli Stone: Come to think of it,
[indicating Taylor and Matt]
Eli Stone: she's also sleeping with opposing counsel
Maggie Dekker: That's irrelevant!
Eli Stone: And now she's carrying his unborn child. And did I mention that Ms. Wethersby and I used to be engaged?
Judge Marcia Phelps: Uh, uh, uh. So basically what you're saying is, I'm the only person in this room who's not having sex with one of you.
[Paul Rollins raises his hand]
Eli Stone: And that Ms. Dekker's motion might be motivated more by personal issues than legal ones.
Maggie Dekker: You wish!
Judge Marcia Phelps: Enough! Save it for your inevitable reality show. If Mr. Stone does work for God, I'm not gonna chance damnation by disqualifying him. But, if I hear any of you utter one more word about prophets, prophecies, or especially who's sleeping with whom I will hold you in contempt, I swear... to Mr. Stone's boss.