Many Canadians, myself included, are unaware of the depths of nature contained within our country. Canada is a sprawling land with many unexplored places. The populated areas barely scratch the surface of what this land contains.
The pristine conditions of the unspoiled land comes alive in this documentary showcasing our wild offerings.
The narration has a soothing effect when combined with the shots of wildlife going about their business.
Watching this is a humbling experience because you come to be reminded of how much effort it takes for wild animals to barely scrape by year after year. And yet they keep plowing ahead.
Some of the narration I found to be presumptuous at times when it claims to know what the animals are doing or thinking. This is clearly to help the viewer understand what they are seeing, but at times I was doubtful that they knew the animals as well as they thought they did.
Some shots were a reminder of how human action has interfered with the natural rhythms of the world.
Overall, if you are in need of something that will restore your sense of awe with the world I highly recommend this.