Worth a watch, it was a different twist on a heavily used genre. A lot of familiar faces everywhere throughout the entire movie. It almost felt like a homage to some of the top B-actors in the movie game (and I mean that in the best of ways, classics like Pumpkinhead and Species) and with a couple of A-list thrown in. The acting was good, the storyline kept my attention, the music and directing were good. Overall it was definitely worth a watch, like most movies in the horror/scifi genre I probably wouldn't watch it again for at least a decade or so but thats just kinda typical for me personally and not a reflection of the quality of the movie. These types of movies I watch for the suspense factor which is gone once you know what happens. I won't go into details about the plot itself as it would ruin that aspect for anyone looking to watch it. I will only say that I liked how it was handled. It kept a steady pace and had decent effects. I wouldn't mind sitting through it again if I were with someone else that wanted to see it.