I am a tennis player/tennis fan, and I remember the 70's and Guillermo Vilas, especially his "dream" year in 1977 when he won almost everything in sight. The subject matter of this film seemed pretty thin to me, but my wife is a more recent tennis fan, and wanted to learn more about Guillermo Vilas, so I agreed to watch this with her.
Maybe because this film was released during the coronavirus era, but this seems like a "first world" problem to me. Vilas is upset because he was never ranked as the #1 tennis player in the world, even though there may have been a mistake in the calculations? If that's the biggest problem he's facing right now in his life, it's hard for me to feel bad for him.
And the Argentine journalist, Eduardo Puppo, spends 13 years of his life, trying to reconstruct tennis rankings from the 70's to "prove" that Vilas should have been ranked #1? This is how you're spending your time for 13 years? If you have that much time on your hands to obsess over something, why not investigate...I don't know...an unsolved murder?
The one thing that was a pleasant surprise for me about this film was all the great tennis players that agreed to participate in it, including Rod Laver, Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer, and the very reclusive Bjorn Borg. I would have liked to have seen Jimmy Connors participate, but I'm not surprised he would turn something like this down.
So who would really like this film? I guess if you're a big Vilas fan, or want to learn more about him, then this film might be for you. Everyone else? I doubt you'll think very much of it.