59 of 93 found this severe
Less sex/nudity than the first remake but the scenes with nudity are pretty severe.
A man walks into a room where a completely nude woman (her bare breasts and stomach are visible) is sitting on a desk, the man asks, using crude language, if she would like to have intercourse, she gets on her hands and knees, the man gets behind her, places his hand on her waist and they are interrupted.
A large group of people are shown at a party and young men and women dance while three bare-breasted women dance on tables above them.
A man sits at the bar of a strip club while a woman wearing a short, form-fitting tube-dress dances against a pole; the walls of the club are decorated with drawings of nude women with exposed breasts.
Two bare-breasted women dance on a stage, in front of a large crowd (they are wearing corset-tops, which fully expose their breasts and underpants).
A completely nude woman (we see her bare breasts, back and buttocks) runs out of a room in a panic.
We see three young women wearing cleavage revealing costumes with short skirts, as well as other women in short dresses and low-cut tops; three women are shown dancing on tables while topless (we see their bare breasts).
A blood-covered man finds a nude woman (we see her bare breasts) weeping and attacks her (please see the Violence/Gore category for more details).
While in a strip club, a scantily clad dancer sits on a man's lap, the man places his hands on the woman's legs and the woman licks the man's face; they begin to kiss passionately, and another man makes a remark about the woman giving the man an STD and calls the woman a rude name.
A young man invites a young woman back to his "shaggin' wagon," she tells the man to kiss her, they begin to kiss passionately, she straddles his lap, he flips her and wraps one of her legs around him and he then leaves the van to urinate; the young woman jokes about water sports in a sexual context.
67 of 69 found this severe
A woman and a man prepare to have sex, Michael interrupts, the man points a gun and is attacked, breaking the arm of his bone and very graphic blood, the woman flees down the hall screaming and sees another man hanging with the torn face, then we see that Michael reaches it where he grabs the hair and bangs hard against a mirror, destroying his face and killing her
R violence type: blood, brutal and graphic.
The hand of Myers is shown, digging a knife into the stomach of a dog: he drags the knife across the dog's belly, reaches in (with a squish), pulls out bloodied entrails, lifts the entrails to his lips and begins to eat.
A man covered in blood lumbers toward a truck as two men struggle to get in, stabs one man in the back (we hear crunching and squishing) and a woman watches as the man's face slides down the window of the truck and leaves a streak of blood on the glass, the attacker then slices the man's throat (blood gurgles out of the wound, as he gasps and dies), and another man is impaled on antlers strapped to the front of the truck and the attacker stabs him in the chest repeatedly; them he breaks the window of the truck pulls the woman out and stabs her multiple times (we see blood and hear slicing sounds).
A bloodied, masked man reaches through a broken car window, begins to choke another bloodied man, twists his neck and rips his head off (we hear swishing), holds the head by the hair while walking over the bloody remains of a dead cow and drops it.
A man covered in blood stands over the body of a blood-covered woman on the ground, he grabs her head and begins to stab her over ten times (we hear crushing bones and squishing while blood spurts). Very graphic
A man holding a baseball bat yells at a man, threatening him, swings his bat at the man's back (we hear a crack), and begins to bludgeon him (we see him lying motionless and covered with blood).
A man points a gun at a man who lunges at him, grabs his face, and stabs him many times (blood pours from the man's wounds in his chest and face, and blood spatters the attacker and walls); he runs, the attacker stabs him once more, and he falls to the ground and dies in a pool of blood.
A blood-covered masked man swings an axe into the back of a man while a young woman hides and watches; the attacker strikes the man once more with the axe, removes it from the victim's back, uses it to break through a wall to get to the young woman and raises it over her, and the screen goes black.
A blood-spattered man breaks the back window of a van, grabs the woman by the neck, and she screams as the man chokes her to death (we see her terror-stricken face).
53 of 57 found this severe
A poster of a hand making a rude hand gesture is shown and obscene sayings are shown painted on a wall.
Name calling (if anyone is offendedby such a thing).
32 of 52 found this moderate
Two young women drink beer (one is inebriated and shouts that she wants to "go out" and "party."
A man drinks a glass of wine.
Two men drink shots at a bar.
A young man offers a young woman a drink and reassures her that it is "roofie-free."
A large group of people are at a party drinking.
A visibly intoxicated young woman stumbles around.
A young woman helps carry an intoxicated young woman.
An intoxicated young woman stumbles from a car and a man imitates being inebriated by slurring his speech and pretending to shoot a gun.
A man smokes a cigarette while sitting at a bar.
A man smokes a cigarette.
48 of 51 found this severe
A woman looks in a mirror and the face of a demon with an open mouth looks, the glass then explodes
The entire movie is a very intense, graphic film.
Michael Myers can be frightening to some viewers.
Laurie Strode's dreams and visions are graphic and disturbing.
There are also a number of jumpy moments too.
If you are very queasy or do not enjoy a movie with a lot of blood, guts, and gore, do not go and see this movie!
Plus, the scene where the dog gets killed and eaten may be very sad to animal lovers.
A young boy pins a young woman to the ground and she pushes against him, but is unable to escape his hold.
A man slams his fist on his desk in anger.
A young woman screams in terror.