Margot Kidder credited as playing...
Barbara Collier
- Laurie Strode: And I just, I wake up and I feel like I can't even breathe. Just seems to be getting worse.
- Barbara Collier: I'm, I'm concerned, but, uh, gosh, I can't say that I'm surprised. I mean, it's Halloween and Halloween is a big trigger point for you, isn't it?
- Barbara Collier: Barbara, I know Michael Myers is dead. I shot him in fucking head. I know he's not gonna come back just because of some stupid holiday.
- Barbara Collier: Laurie, they never found his body.
- Laurie Strode: So!
- Barbara Collier: So, it's very hard for you to get closure on this. I mean, he's objectively dead, but he's living in your mind and he's living in your heart and your emotions. So, that's the reality that we have to heal you from, which is why I say you're still in recovery.
- Laurie Strode: So, basically, I just have to wait until my brain heals?
- Barbara Collier: Well, let's, let's try and help your brain heal a little bit today, okay?
- Laurie Strode: Okay.
- Barbara Collier: Okay?
- Laurie Strode: Okay.
- Barbara Collier: How's your relationship with Annie going?
- Laurie Strode: Annie?
- Barbara Collier: Yeah.
- Laurie Strode: Um, ah, not good.
- Barbara Collier: Hmm.
- Laurie Strode: I know I kind of feel shitty for saying this, but... she's a constant reminder. Every time I see her face and I see those scars, I know that it's my fault. And, and, and I get, I get angry and there's something in my body that, that snaps and I get this zero to a hundred rage and I just wanna go up to her and I just... wanna... fuck it.
- Barbara Collier: Finish the thought. Finish that thought, it's really important.
- Laurie Strode: No, I'd rather not. You'll send me away.
- Barbara Collier: I would never send you away. We're here to keep you out of the hospital. The last place you're gonna heal is in a hospital.
- Laurie Strode: [Spotting an ink blot painting on Barbara's wall] What is that?
- Barbara Collier: That? That's whatever you think it is is what that is. The theory is that this ambiguous stimuli here will bring your subconscious thoughts into the light, illuminate them. So, what do you see?
- Laurie Strode: Um... white horse?
- Barbara Collier: Oh, uh...
- Laurie Strode: So, what does that tell you? Am I crazy or sane?
- Barbara Collier: Tells me you're a girl who likes white horses.
- Laurie Strode: [In hysterics] So, I was, um, going through the park and, um, there was this really crazy, um, Frankenstein and he was, like, yelling at the kids and was yelling at them, like, perverted things and stuff and everything. And I really thought it was funny and, and, and I stopped and watched. And then I, I, I, I saw, I saw this, um, this like, this farm.
- Barbara Collier: Laurie.
- Laurie Strode: And this lady let me hold the pig.
- Barbara Collier: Come and sit right down, Laurie.
- Laurie Strode: And the pig really liked me and she, she said that the pig liked me.
- Barbara Collier: Laurie.
- Laurie Strode: And I wanted to take it home.
- Barbara Collier: Sit down, Laurie. Come on, Laurie.
- Barbara Collier: [as Laurie sits down, crying] Stay centered. What's going on?
- Laurie Strode: [Crying in hysterics] I had this really, really, really attack and, not while I was asleep. While I was awake. Okay, I, I just need you to prescribe me something please.
- Barbara Collier: Laurie, according to my notes, you should have a lot of medication.
- Laurie Strode: No, I'm, I'm out. Look, I need you to get your magic pen and your magic piece of paper and I need you to write me up a prescription, please.
- Barbara Collier: Laurie, that's not the answer. Are you doing your breathing exercises?
- Laurie Strode: [Pissed] Breathing exercises? Breathing exercises aren't gonna cut it! I can't deal with this! I'm not strong enough and I'm tired of pretending that I am!
- Barbara Collier: No. Laurie, listen to me. Stay with me
- [Holding on to Laurie]
- Barbara Collier: You are so much stronger than you think you are. You are. Now, come on, sit down. Sit down. Breathe.
- Laurie Strode: You... better... Fucking let me go and give me some fucking prescriptions!
- Barbara Collier: [Taking her hands off of Laurie's arms] I'm going to give you some Haldol to tide you over.
- Laurie Strode: [Pissed] Haldol?
- Barbara Collier: And, yes, Haldol! It'll take some of these thoughts away...
- Laurie Strode: -- I don't want haldol! I want my prescription!
- Barbara Collier: [Feeling bad for her] I am so sorry you're going through this.
- Laurie Strode: Fuck! You know what? Fuck you and fuck this! I'm tired of your, "How are you, Laurie? I'm so concerned" a hundred bucks an hour. You know what? I would be concerned at a hundred bucks an hour!
- Barbara Collier: I'm really concerned right now!
- Laurie Strode: Bullshit!
- Barbara Collier: No.
- Laurie Strode: Bullshit!
- Barbara Collier: It's not bullshit!
- Laurie Strode: You know what? You're more fucked up than I am, you crazy bitch!