Danielle Harris credited as playing...
Annie Brackett
- Annie Brackett: What the fuck! Andy, are you seriously planning on standing out here all night? This is ridiculous!
- Deputy Webb: Hey, Annie, I just do what the boss tells me.
- Annie Brackett: Well, I'm the boss... of the boss, and I say move your shitbox over there, Kojak, okay? And don't make a federal case out of it, turn off the goddamn gumballs.
- Deputy Webb: I'll do what I gotta do.
- Annie Brackett: Wha...
- [laughs]
- Annie Brackett: ...what the fuck are YOU gonna do, jackhole?
- Annie Brackett: Look at me. What is going on? Let me just call my dad, okay? We can talk to him.
- Laurie Strode: You know what? I have a message for your dad. Tell him that Angel says "fuck you"!
- Annie Brackett: Who is Angel? Laurie!
- Annie Brackett: Want some egg whites?
- Sheriff Lee Brackett: Oh, no. I think I'm gonna get me one of them sticky buns on the way in.
- Annie Brackett: Oh, that's great. Pastry for breakfast. Seriously, 500 calories of sugar and shit.
- Sheriff Lee Brackett: I know it. I know it.
- Annie Brackett: [as Laurie sits in her room drinking beer, with Captain Clegg and the Night Creatures on her T.V. set] What's up with the booze?
- Laurie Strode: Oh yeah. Meet my new best friend.
- Annie Brackett: Is this how your new work friends roll?
- Laurie Strode: Maybe. Jealous?
- Annie Brackett: [Chuckles] Whatever.
- Laurie Strode: [as Annie turns to leave] You know what, Annie? I don't need your shit!
- Annie Brackett: [Re-entering Laurie's room] You don't need my shit? You don't need my shit? I put up with your shit 24/7!
- Laurie Strode: [Standing up] You better back the fuck off!
- Annie Brackett: Or what? Huh? The fuck are you gonna do? You know what? You act like you're the only one who's life got fucking trashed! I am so not buying the new Laurie act!
- Laurie Strode: I am not putting up with your Mommy shit. Get the fuck out of my room! Get the fuck out of my room!
- Annie Brackett: I'm not impressed.
- Laurie Strode: [as Annie walks out of Laurie's room, slamming the door behind her] Fuck!
- Sheriff Lee Brackett: [Entering the kitchen as Annie cooks breakfast] I am running ragged this morning.
- Annie Brackett: Morning.
- Sheriff Lee Brackett: Morning. Morning. Morning. Did you hear Laurie last night?
- Annie Brackett: Yes, Dad. I hear her every night. Please, God, don't say anything to her.
- Sheriff Lee Brackett: Hey, I won't.
- Annie Brackett: Want some egg whites?
- Sheriff Lee Brackett: You know, hon, I think I'm gonna get one them... sticky buns on the way in.
- Annie Brackett: Oh, that's great. Pastry for breakfast. Seriously, 500 calories of sugar and shit!
- Sheriff Lee Brackett: [laughing] I know it. I know it.
- Laurie Strode: [Entering the kitchen] Morning.
- Annie Brackett: Morning.
- Sheriff Lee Brackett: Morning, sunshine.
- Annie Brackett: [to Sheriff Lee Bracket] Hey, slow your roll for one second. Please, do not forget to pick up the pizza and... whole wheat crust.
- Sheriff Lee Brackett: [as he's leaving] God, Annie. Why don't we just have them take the cheese and put it on cardboard
- Annie Brackett: You're running late.
- Sheriff Lee Brackett: Cardboard's got a lot of fiber and it's cheap.
- Laurie Strode: [as he leaves] No meat.
- Annie Brackett: [Sitting down at the breakfast table with Laurie] Rough night?
- Laurie Strode: [laughing a little] Did you hear me?
- Annie Brackett: Mm-hmm. Just a little.
- Laurie Strode: God. Just when I think I can get back to something simple as sleep, it's like, ugh, right back at me.
- Annie Brackett: You wanna tell me about it?
- Laurie Strode: Nah. I don't remember much. It was a hospital one. Hadn't had one of those in a while. Guess I know what I'll be yacking about in therapy today.
- Annie Brackett: One day at a time, babe.
- Laurie Strode: One day at a time. One fucking day at a time! You know, if I hear that fucking phrase one more fucking time? I mean, she just fucking sits there in her leather fucking chair and judges me like she's fucking God!
- Annie Brackett: It's her job, Laurie! My God, what am I supposed to say?
- [Chuckles]
- Annie Brackett: Boo-fucking-hoo for you!
- Laurie Strode: See? You don't fucking care.
- Annie Brackett: [Pissed off] Right. I don't fucking care. I don't understand, Laurie. Oh nice. Thanks for leaving me some coffee, Dad!