37 of 70 found this to have none
16 of 33 found this mild
Superpowered people and magical beings are stabbed or slashed with blades or struck with arrows, occasionally resulting in small dark blood spurts.
Fantastical monkey soldiers are chopped to pieces by magical whirling blades, but the detail is fleeting and bloodless.
A person's throat is cut, creating a thin red wound.
A pair of gorilla creatures exchange punches and hurl each other against rocks during a crunchy fight, and a giant bird's wing is severed in battle, causing a fatal fall to earth, but again the detail is not gory.
Fantasy battle violence features occasional brief sight of small blood spurts and moderate wounds, and of undetailed corpses strewn on the battlefield.
We also see a moderate bloody injury on a woman's nose after the tip is severed by an arrow.
13 of 23 found this to have none
14 of 24 found this to have none
8 of 20 found this mild
The heroes battle mildly scary supernatural entities, including flying demons with skull-like faces and a giant bat monster.
A person appears to die after being bitten by magical venomous snakes, but he subsequently recovers.