In February of 2021, "The New York Times Presents" released "Framing Britney Spears", posing serious questions about the conservatorship imposed on Britney. The release cause a shockwave and things started developing quickly. A mere 7 months later comes this, "Controlling Britney Spears" (2021 release; 71 min), in essence a sequel/update on the earlier documentary.
Couple of comments: this is again produced and directed by Samantha Stark. This release contains some bits and pieces that were already covered by the first documentary. The "raison d'etre" of this new documentary is the shocking tell-all testimony of a couple of people we hadn't heard from in the first documentary, most notably a guy from Black Box Security. BBS was hired by Jamie Spears to provide 24/7 "security" to Britney. Translation: BBS in essence spied on every single aspect of Britney's life, including all communications on her iPhone as well as, get this, having a camera placed in her bedroom to monitor all she did in her bedroom. Then comes the revealing court testimony by Britney herself, on June 21, 2021, where she pours out her heart, her anger and her fury, at the abuse she has endured for years, including that she is forced to wear an IUD for birth control. It absolutely blows the mind. This is nothing short of a 21st century court-endorsed slavery. Indeed the LA court (through Judge Goetz) appears to be playing a highly questionable role in all of this (with Jamie Spears and everyone else involved in the conservatorship shielding behind the statement that all their actions were approved/endorsed by the court--whether that is really true remains to be seen in due course). It's a bit unfortunate that the documentary was released in September, 2021, as things were happening seemingly by the day. While the conservatorship was terminated in November, 2021, this is not the end of it by any means, as a legal reckoning of those responsible for running the conservatorship (the court, Jamie Spears, Black Box Security, Tri-Star and others) surely will be coming still.
"Controlling Britney Spears" was released in September, 2021 on FX and Hulu, and caused an immediately outcry by the public at large. I've seen both this and the earlier "Framing Britney Spears", and if you haven't seen either one, you are best served by watching "Controlling" over "Framing", as it is more essential, even its ending is a bit premature. Of course don't take my word for it, and I'd readily suggest you check this out, and draw your own conclusion.