Silence in the Library seems to be a favourite story amongst fans. It introduced the endlessly likeable, enigmatic River Song, featured the terrifying Vatsha Nerada, and sets up future plot-points explored more in the Moffat era as showrunner.
Now, this episode is really, really good - I was heavily tempted to give it a 9, but I feel it pales in comparison to part 2, which fully fleshs out and explores the interesting concepts which part 1 just sets-up. River Song became more interesting in part 2, and the Vatsha Nerada became more of an active threat, but here, we're mostly building up to the ending cliffhanger, which is amazing, but it's part 2 that gets into the really meat of the story.
That said, this is still great. Catherine Tate and Alex Kingston steal the show, and, as mentioned, the cliffhanger is built up so well, and delivers such a punch in the gut, that it makes some of the more meandering sections feel worth it. And the Vatsha Nerada are legitimately really creepy, and it boasts some unexpectedly touching Donna momments.
This is a really good episode, but Part 1 is a little overrated, with part 2 over-shadowing it so much that it looses some of its original magic. Some other two-parters - like the Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit, The Stolen Earth / Journey's End, The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances, or even the far less great Rise of the Cybermen / The Age of Steel - have both parts on an equal level of quality, but here, one is great, while the other is fantastic.
I'll say it again, this is great, but not my absolute favourite. 8/10.