I will state up front that I have not seen this film. I write, not a review per se, but a warning: the Turkish government employs an army of trolls whose seeming sole purpose in life is to attack any film, book, play, etc. That dares to speak the truth regarding the 1915-1922 genocide of the Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians. In a particularly egregious example of this, reviewer "yavuzco" claims that Izmir (the city known as Smyrna until the 1930s, and was populated primarily by Greeks and Armenians) "was always Turkish," as though the 1000-year reign by the Greek Byzantines never happened. This is evil nonsense, on a par with Holocaust denial. If the Turkish propagandists are ignored, you will likely get a far better feel for how good the film is. I know as a result of their idiocy, I'm now going to watch a film I might not have otherwise.