Its as addictive as real life addictiveness, therefore beware and behold to not be alone when watching this, if you are on the skid row, have been on it in your past, or if you as a parent has lost a child due to medical or drug addictiveness, because this is heartwrenching, extremely realistic scenario of the psychosociodynamics around life and death due to addictiveness. See the film and you will soon realize if your strong enough to tiptoe yourself through this, i did, and as a grumpy old man that have had family members skidding, fortunately they are still alive, but cronically anxious to fall of the wagon again, therefore i felt the clamp and cramp in my heart of this story.
The plotpace are very slow, but thats done intentionally. Its an average produced film with noextending technical features, and the wave ofhunger, shame and guilt is solely done by the main cast, with catherine keener as the mourning mum(oscar worthy), and her boys childhood friend will played by charlie heaton. They do the acts with bravour...
i guess lots of clean people will find this just above feature lenght film boring and daft, so let them be so,and pray that they will never slide the skidrow themselves. Its a curricullum worthy silver screen product that willset out emotions, and will occur inyour dreams in the aftermath.a huge recommend for ''no future''