A short premise is a film crew are making a documentary about suicide, and they are following someone around, documenting the persons final days being alive, showing how this person lives, getting to know the person, the persons family, reasons why, etc. All up until their final act, suicide. The film is made as a 'found footage' film, or made to look as real as possible.
I think there were some 'twists' added into the flow of the story that weren't needed. Ones that made it seem as more of a 'theatrical' story. Some of them were a bit mediocre, and just in my opinion, could have been left out to make the film flow a bit better.
The one thing that really threw my train of thought off, was the ending. I won't spoil the ending they used, and please don't look up detailed info on the film if you are planning on seeing it/buying it. But the ending they used in the final cut of the film, was unnecessary and was again, a bit 'theatrical', which put me off, and my reaction would have been a lot better if they hadn't used it. It took away from the 'real' feeling the film is supposed to give. I say this because, on the DVD, there is an alternate ending. The alternate ending should have been the final ending of the film, not the one they used. The alternate ending made a much better end to the story and film, and made much more sense.
Overall, I do recommend seeing this, just don't read too much on it, some things may get a bit ruined if you do.