I saw this film on my computer during the free online screening, which I thought was a fantastic idea! Especially for a film like this that is not playing at cinemas but really deserves a wide exhibition and would probably just disappear of the radar and grow quietly and steadily through word of mouth. DENIAL AND IGNORANCE! I just read the review by the guy who thought it was crap and laughed out loud. I mean his comment about the quality of the film-making and even worse not understanding the crime Gary commits and how he needed it to be a crime of passion???? !!! for it to work for him. mmmm yes...Obviously he was very upset by the film which is revealing in itself. To me the film is a litmus test for intelligence and open mindedness. The film does tackle some tough and dark issues but the story is told so well and we are drawn into the scenario as it unfolds having empathy for the main character after he commits a crime that is going to repulse most and many would kill him for I am sure. I can speak for myself when I say that I was genuinely moved and challenged by this little film. I thought the performances where fantastic esp Gareth Reeves as Gary and the direction was great, loved the soundtrack also... God I get a little depressed when NZ films like No 2, In my fathers Den,Black Sheep, Show of Hands, Apron Strings and many others get friendly reviews and universal praise when they don't deserve it and a film like this has a really tough time. Anyway I hope the people behind the film are able to make more and looking forward to the next one!! I read in an interview it was a tough road to get it made.