"My mother was an obese smoker"...as she next shows pictures of a regular weight, to slim, woman.
"I graduated passing the GED and ACT" (hilariously drinking all night before) when um... no Lady, one doesn't GRADUATE the ACT, it's a test!
Her depiction of her brutal mother
(which one should doubt is true) is merciless, paints herself as this perpetual victim.
Less than 15 minutes in to this brag fest, she saves someone with CPR after ordering another dude to move the obese man (she's obsessed with weight it seems) to the floor.
Oh know. Next. Lets see her diplomas!
Less than half hour in, I was choking on too much hubris and likely fiction.
The only unbelievable plight here is being audience to this whack-job.
Seriously, with so many amazing and worthwhile documentaries, do yourself a favor and look to them!