I watched this doco as part of the Melbourne International Film Fest. At first the doco was a surreal chuckle fest and the characters topped anything Christopher Guest could dream up. However as the film unraveled a sense of palpable disquiet settled over the audience when reality set in and we realized we were watching two sad and even scary individuals battling with life. this was no mockumentarty. i found my self questioning my laughter and even felt guilty at times when i found mirth in their misfortunes, so as a documentary it was successful in having one question assumptions and beliefs. I do think though there was an air of exploitation about the flick esp when the two stalkers meet. i also think tiffany is 1 very brave or 2 very stupid or 3 very desperate for fans to have these characters in her life. an interview with her would have been a boon. a wonderful collection of some true oddballs that make this world colorful and a little scary.