Frank Kelly: This thing is kind of mesmerizing since Mr. Judd lit it up.
Spike Martin: Oh! See that right- Look at right there, it looks like a burrito. Huh.
Doug: Where?
Spike Martin: Right- See? It's moving.
Doug: I actually see a face there, kind of. Maybe...
Frank Kelly: John Paul.
Spike Martin: Beatles or Getty?
Frank Kelly: I see the pope's face. Pope John Paul II. He was in at the turn of the century, and fallible, obviously, but great at apologizing for historical bad stuff.
Spike Martin: All I'm seeing is a lot of shiny excrement, I'm sorry guys.
Frank Kelly: JP was one of the good ones, too. Wasn't even a Nazi in his youth.
Doug: I- I'm just not sure a pope would choose to appear in shit. Wouldn't he pick like, motor oil or pancakes?
Frank Kelly: Honestly, I see his face. Maybe I'll see you later, Mr. Pope, since, I guess I'm the only one who can.