Don't Look Up (2021)
Rob Morgan: Dr. Teddy Oglethorpe
Waitress : That's an awfully official-looking White House badge you got there.
Dr. Randall Mindy : I don't know why I have this on.
Nearby Diner : Listen, just tell us what's going on.
Guy from the Bar : I got three scared kids at home. How about you just tell us something.
Dr. Randall Mindy : I understand. I wish could share information, but...
Guy from the Bar : We're people just like you. We deserve to know!
Kate Dibiasky : They're right. They deserve to know. Do you really wanna know what's going on?
Dr. Teddy Oglethorpe : Kate, don't. Kate.
Dr. Randall Mindy : Kate.
Kate Dibiasky : They found a bunch of gold and diamonds and rare shit on the comet. So they're gonna let it hit the planet to make a bunch of rich people even more disgustingly rich!
President Orlean : Mmm-hmm. So how certain is this?
Dr. Randall Mindy : There's 100% certainty of impact.
President Orlean : Please, don't say 100%.
Old Aide #2 : Can we just call it a potentiality significant event?
President Orlean : Yeah.
Kate Dibiasky : But it isn't *potentially* going to happen. It *is* going to happen.
Dr. Randall Mindy : Exactly, 99.78% to be exact.
Jason Orlean : Oh, great. Okay, so it's not 100%.
Dr. Teddy Oglethorpe : Well, scientists never like to say 100%.
President Orlean : Call it 70% and let's just move on.
Kate Dibiasky : But it's not even close to 70%.
President Orlean : You cannot go around saying to people that there's 100% chance that they're going to die. You know? It's just nuts.
[Kate sits in a car with a bag over her head]
Dr. Randall Mindy : I did everything I could. They won't listen.
Kate Dibiasky : Surprise, surprise.
Dr. Teddy Oglethorpe : I'm starting to think you just like riling people up.
Dr. Randall Mindy : I'm so sorry, Kate. Really, I am.
Kate Dibiasky : Oh, Randall. God. Where's Brie Evantee? Shouldn't you two be playing footsie in a restaurant that only serves cubes and foam?
Dr. Teddy Oglethorpe : Well, she ain't wrong. You did lose the thread in a big way.
Dr. Randall Mindy : And what do you suggest we do? An online petition, huh? You want to hold... Get a mob and hold up picket signs? You wanna overthrow the government? I mean, look at this.
Kate Dibiasky : I can't! My head is in a bag!
Dr. Teddy Oglethorpe : Okay. Now be cool. I just have more skin pigmentation than you. 'Cause your ancestors migrated to Northern Europe and developed lighter skin so as to not get...
Dr. Teddy Oglethorpe : One time, I met Sting, and I swear to God, he farted right in front of me. Didn't break eye contact and didn't even say "excuse me." And the thing is, he actually pulled it off. 'Cause I still found him to be quite charming.
President Orlean : We will blow Comet Dibiasky off her course... But we're gonna need a hero. We're gonna need a pilot, real guns and...
Dr. Randall Mindy : Shouldn't this mission be accomplished using remote technology?
Dr. Teddy Oglethorpe : Washington's always gotta have a hero.
Kate Dibiasky : I'm grateful...
[long pause]
Kate Dibiasky : I'm grateful we tried.
Dr. Teddy Oglethorpe : [Beat] Man, oh, man, did we try.
Dr. Teddy Oglethorpe : Science tells the truth, Randall.