68 of 186 found this moderate
A naked woman is seen on a bed. Breasts are visible. Later, her bare legs are sticking up out of a bed and she squeals as another character apparently gives her oral sex. The scene is short but very suggestive.
A character's pants fall down and we see his bare buttocks. In a close-up shot from behind, we see the vague outlines of his testicles as well.
A character wears a codpiece and sings and dances a song with very sexually suggestive lyrics. Some people look confused, others disgusted, and some aroused.
A painting is shown of a humanoid creature in a lewd pose. A male character ogles her bare buttocks and touches that part of the painting excitedly.
Use of terms like "goat-groper," "chicken-humper," and other crass terms. The male gnome character Scanlan in general makes many sexual jokes.
Some suggestive flirting between characters, some more overt than others.
A character says he's going to the brothel to "investigate for hours," but is interrupted and doesn't go.
A character jokes about having anal beads and sings an entire song about "pulling" them.
Multiple sex jokes/references.
Some revealing clothing.
76 of 91 found this severe
There is a lot of gore and death shown throughout the show, sometimes for comedic effect. Limbs are chopped off, people are bisected and bifurcated and decapitated regularity, with usually bloody results.
The violence/gore in the show balances between being comedic and being serious though leans more towards the latter.
Several episodes have scenes of mass combat, with multiple combatants on each side of the fight. A blood spray is used as short hand to indicate that an unnamed combatant has suffered an injury that's taking them out of the fight. It happens frequently.
76 of 96 found this severe
One use of the word "cunt".
Language is somewhat more sparse in season 2, but still present.
56 of 83 found this mild
Vox Machina are shown to be heavy drinkers and play drinking games with each other.
36 of 86 found this moderate
Percy's backstory is emotional and disturbing.
There are some violent moments that may be hard to watch.
Some scenes involve the deaths of children, which may disturb some.
Some of the deaths may be intense/sad for some viewers.
The show features various scary images of monsters, dead corpses etc.
Rated TV-MA for strong violence and gore, sexual content/nudity, and language
The show, while comedic in nature, can be dark and intense at times.
The show can get emotional and sad at times.