I really enjoyed the plot, there are almost no plot holes (objectively) and the characters are very fun (my favorite is Rag s and Mauler aka Skull on Wheels). The villains are all different and have special abilities and unique characteristics, which is cool. Every episode has something new to bring in, its not always about star wars like the critics say (though there is plenty of star wars too). The series has a lot of lore and if you want to fully understand it you have to watch expanded universe episodes and mauler reviews and rage videos, but it's not necessary to understand the plot.
What I didn't like is how there are still some plot holes. Sometimes the clever characters are wrong. But its subjective so it's not that bad.
Sometimes they also do meme reviews, which are the best part. I recommend everyone watch the Ackbar's theme meme. Other memes are good too, like spider memes and rino milk, and Bilbo Baggins. But you need to understand the lore of efap to fully grasp the magic of some of the memes, so that can be considered a negative I guess.
My final score is 9/10, I like the show but there are not enough spiders