51 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 63RogerEbert.comChristy LemireRogerEbert.comChristy LemireWithin these oversaturated times for comic book movies, Madame Web is blissfully breezy in its pacing, which helps make it a more enjoyable watch than some of the super-serious, end-of-the-world fare we often see.
- 62The Film VerdictAlonso DuraldeThe Film VerdictAlonso DuraldeNone of this would work without Johnson, whose gift for side-eye and deadpan line readings grounds what could be a very silly story into one with real human stakes (that do not, thankfully, involve the fate of the entire world).
- 60SlashfilmWitney SeiboldSlashfilmWitney SeiboldMadame Web does not provide a crowd-pleasing bombast. This is a pity, as this odd duck makes for a fascinating watch. This may be one of the final films of the superhero renaissance. Enjoy it before it topples over entirely.
- 50IGNFrancesca RiveraIGNFrancesca RiveraMadame Web has the makings of a interesting superhero psychological thriller, but with a script overcrowded with extraneous characters, basic archetypes, and generic dialogue, it fails the talent and the future of its onscreen Spider-Women.
- 40The Daily BeastNick SchagerThe Daily BeastNick SchagerOn the basis of Madame Web, however, Sony’s Spider-Man Universe is now completely lifeless—and in no need of resuscitation.
- 38USA TodayBrian TruittUSA TodayBrian TruittIf only a psychic could have warned us about these wretched Spider-Man spinoffs.
- 33IndieWireDavid EhrlichIndieWireDavid EhrlichAn inoffensive, almost endearingly lame whiff of a movie that has the misfortune of arriving at a time when the superhero genre has almost returned to pre-MCU levels of popularity, this “Daredevil”-ass disaster is hilariously retrograde for a story about someone who discovers that she can see a few seconds into the future.
- 30Screen RantMolly FreemanScreen RantMolly FreemanMadame Web is boring, unimaginative and dated, despite being one of very few superhero movies centering on female superheroes. All in all, Madame Web is a superhero movie you can absolutely skip.
- 25The A.V. ClubManuel BetancourtThe A.V. ClubManuel BetancourtThe film is often so hurried or so preoccupied with what’s to come that it ignores what’s happening in the moment.
- 0The Globe and Mail (Toronto)Barry HertzThe Globe and Mail (Toronto)Barry HertzStupendously stupid and never remotely in control of its faculties, the film represents a kind of weaponized incompetence, hostile and assaultive.