This is the unfortunate story of how Hitler dealt with his troubles and restrains to become dictator in Germany.
It has a lot of detail from lawyers questioning the Dachau concentration camp to the convincing of President Hindenburg. I'm not sure we've dealt with all of these in high school history class (in Germany!), though frankly I may just have forgot.
It a nice way to remember those atrocious times and to see which hardships Hitler actually had to go through. Some problems of the German laws become quite clear that Hitler is able to find a gap in the regulations - in particular the unjustified power of the president back then. I found this quite weird: Hindenburg, not really a politician but rather a war hero, is given so much power over politics that he may not really understand that well. Consequences showed and well, that's why today's presidents in Germany have almost no power.
It's a decent documentary but the filming was a bit annoying from time to time. I'm not sure why they play the Moonshine Sonata all the time and I'm not sure what's the deal with these clapperboard scenes.
In particular, one expert was really upsetting me for some reason. His posture and speech pattern just really irritated me.
Nonetheless worth seeing to understand a piece of historic politics.