20 of 57 found this mild
Episode 4 ... Bar/Strip club scene where set in the back ground a women is dancing holding a snake wearing not much.
S1 has no nudity whatsoever.
19 of 32 found this severe
There are some violent scenes in this miniseries like murder, chopping one finger, abusive towards women, etc.
9 of 24 found this moderate
Some uses of f*ck and sh*t. Two uses of a*s. One use of d*ck and p*ssy.
10 of 24 found this moderate
There are some adults smoking. There are some scenes of drug addiction.
There are depictions of drug dealing and distribution.
A character is an alcoholic.
The main story is based on a child prospectiv growing up with a drug dealing step-father, drug addicted mother and alcoholic father.
16 of 29 found this severe
The themes are dark and there are many intense moments.