I love Battle Kitty. The show deserves so much more attention than its received. This show is so funny and endearing, It really makes you want to keep watching it. The characters are really well written and the humor is extremely funny and very expressive of the shows ability to enthrall you into its universe. My favorite parts of it are the main character Kitty's quirks and catch phrases that easily get stuck in your head and you find yourself singing them to yourself. It's very light hearted with a side of topics not usually discussed in a show aimed at kids. The show is very LGBTQ friendly and is really refreshing to see such a wonderful incorporation of that identity into some of the characters without it being the main focus for the sake of having a token LGBTQ character. Honestly I'm not ever sure if this show is ment for "kids", I'd say it's more for younger to older teens as the humor can be a bit crude at times and as an adult; still being able to find the humor very funny. As far as the "intractable" part of the series, its not particularly that "interactable" aside from choosing what order to watch the episodes in. The interaction comes from the series being set up like a video game and each episode being a different level. Although the interaction with the overworld is very minimal, it's still really fun to watch the characters run around the map in these little miniature forms and watching the map change depending on what episode you just watched. I cannot express enough how much I adore this show and am eagerly awaiting an announcement for a season 2. Please give this show a watch if you haven't already!