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Kate Winslet said she helped her young co-star, David Kross, preparing him for the sex scenes. "I wanted for David to know that I understood that he might be terrified, because I had been in that position myself as a younger actor. And also I remember when I was 18, which is the age he is, feeling so nervous because I didn't know what to expect, and I felt that explaining the nuts and bolts of how those scenes would happen would be very beneficial to him. So I sat down with him and said, 'Now, listen. You know there's only going to be, like, three people in the room, right?' He said, 'Wh--what, th--three people, that's all?' And I said, 'Yes, darling ... that'll be it.' He was like, 'Really? ... Oh my God, that is so great'" And I could literally feel the weight of the world just fall off his shoulders, because I think this poor young man had been imagining it was going to be the crew, who we all knew so well by that point ... all going to be there watching us walk around naked, and so just shedding a little bit of light on it for him made a big difference," Winslet said.
To avoid legal problems, the crew waited until after David Kross' 18th birthday, July 4, 2008, to film his sex scenes.
Talking with The Sun in 2012 about her nude scenes in this and other films, Kate Winslet admitted "I look like the people that walk down the street. I don't have perfect boobs, I don't have zero cellulite. Of course I don't, and I'm curvy. If that is something that makes women feel empowered in any way, that's great. On a deeper, subconscious level, it's one of the reasons why I've allowed my stupid self to be so naked on screen," Winslet said. "It's partly because I do believe that it's right for the character and it's right for the story but it's also knowing that not many people do that, actually, and not just that, but I'm a normal person."
When Kate Winslet accepted her Oscar for Best Actress, her "thank you" list deliberately excluded Harvey Weinstein. He hadn't sexually propositioned her, but she found his aggressive 'business behavior' with her over the years repugnant.