This second episode of "The Dresden Files" saw Harry called in to action by a distraught father, an antiques dealer specialising in Middle Eastern artefacts, who recently witnessed the tragic death of his young daughter by a trigger-happy intruder to the family shop. It seems the robber / murderer was after a rare object but in the course of fleeing with the item, got himself run over and killed outside the premises. The father senses his young girl's spirit is still lingering and calls in our hero to investigate further.
Something about the attempted break-in doesn't sit right with Harry however and when he notices a shared tattoo on the dead thief's back with that of a connected mega-rich collector who hired him, the trail eventually leads to a body-hopping demon who exits his host body to the nearest available conduit at the moment of death.
As Harry closes in on the creature, he naturally risks his own life before Murphy also puts herself in harm's way requiring Harry to make a life or death decision to hopefully save the day for both of them and at the same time allow the grieving father some closure with his child.
I again thoroughly enjoyed the episode which had a strong plot, exciting action and more sardonic humour from Bob, the skull-bound phantom.
I'm working my way back through this series now that I'm reading the source novels for the first time. Slightly adapted and somewhat sanitised for its target TV audience, now as then I was impressed all over again by the quality of the production and in particular, Paul Blackthorne's lead performance as our down-at-heel demon slayer.
Just a pity Harry couldn't magic up a second series for this excellent show.