The first fifteen minutes build up and you sit back, thinking...hmmm...this MAY actually be a good movie. Then, wild inconsistencies begin and you think maybe the dog is laying on the remote and swiping channels back and forth, because it feels as though someone mashed together movie remnants with some semi-creepy music to try and tie it all together.
The plot holes thicken and did the mother DIE? When was there a VAMPIRE? Who put clown make up on a child and haven't you heard the male role in a LOT of voice-overs...great voice but he couldn't act like he was swimming even if you threw him in water.
There are some familiar teenage girls are a snotty boring group of meanies that need some vengeful spirit to appear and eat them all. And you sometimes can't tell if the main character is dreaming, you are dreaming, or why the make up and special effects went from"brilliant" to " throw a wig on a man with a huge hairy beard and try to pass him off as a woman."
There is some AMAZING comedy here, but I believe it is unintentional. If you MUST suffer through this, look for scenes when they are driving to school and the background changes from suburban to remote Kansas and back to suburbs, all in a three minute drive...and the father spending about ten minutes dueling with a coffee machine and then staring intently at think maybe, just MAYBE that has hidden meaning or a theme....and then you realize the theme is how utterly inept the movie makers are at producing a movie. It would have been a far better ...and more believable....plot twist if the father went psycho and started to disembowel people with broken coffee pots instead of...well....hey...there is no spoiler here because you actually have to SEE it to experience the senselessness of it all.
The only thing I came out of this movie with was a distinct distaste for KIDS. Although, the classroom scene when they are in I think 6 th grade and one boy rode his Harley to school and it looks like another MAY just have gotten out of diapers....THAT is how BAD the movie is....the kids in the class range in age from like 5 to 19 and the teacher is a hot blonde who goes for the dad about the moment after his wife dies?
Spare yourself. Open eye. Stab with fork. That is the level of pain involved in WATCHING this movie