[closing voice over narration]
[a heroin-addled Isaac is frantically painting away at a large canvas]
Mohinder Suresh: You can run far; you can take your small precautions, but have you really gotten away?
[cuts to Isaac's painting of Hiro and Ando standing below and gazing upward at a blood-drenched homecoming banner]
Mohinder Suresh: Can you ever escape?
[dissolves into Clare on the living room floor creating her homecoming banner as her father looks on somberly from his recliner]
Mohinder Suresh: Or is the truth that you do not have the strength or cunning to hide from destiny? But the world is not small, you are...
[scene ends up back into the Burnt Toast diner where Ando is anxiously awaiting the arrival of Hiro. Camera closes in on a picture that is tacked to a bulletin board among a sea of other photos; it is a picture of Hiro and the waitress smiling over her birthday cake]
Mohinder Suresh: And fate can find you anywhere.