For the benefit of the reader who gave an overview of his memories when he was a 6 year old and which overview related to the film 'Treasure in Malta' I would record that the respective film was in colour. It was filmed in Malta (Europe) and I happen to have a copy on a VHS which unfortunately has deteriorated in quality. Otherwise the information that the respective subscriber included in his review is correct. I am confident that the IMDb administration will appraise this note as I understood that they do not have any other records. At the time the film was considered to be a very attractive thriller and the plot was carefully written giving the viewers an interesting and exhilarating 90 minute full of action and indeed suspense. I happened to know most of the actors who excelled in their performance in spite of their inexperience on the big screen. The Maltese administration at the time (Malta was still a colony of the United Kingdom in 1962/63 - the year of production) were working in close coordination with the UK preparing for Malta's Independence which came into effect in 1964.The then Tourism Authoriy sponsored to a large extent the film's production costs with a view to supporting the subsequent independent Maltese Government in projecting the Maltese Islands as the best locality in the Mediterranean, thereby generating the much need funds for Malta's eventual industrial and economical development. So much so that 'Treasure in Malta' served as the best Tourist promotional event having projected a beautiful sunny Malta blessed with clean seas and picturesque landscapes. The objective was truly secured as for the last half a century Tourism in Malta was the key factor in developing the island's economy with the British tourist topping the list of visitors all along the years. In respect of the professional production of the film one cannot make any comparison with the state of the art techniques that emerged since then but all in all 'Treasure in Malta' featured prominently amongst the film enthusiasts of the time..