In "Chinese Walls," Lynley and Havers investigate the murder of a young woman, Emily Proctor, who is found in the park with knife-type wounds. In looking at her life, the two find out that Proctor was a promising law student working for a barrister, Tony Wainwright. However, when they questioned Wainwright, they found out Emily had quit.
Emily had gone to work in the sex industry, it turns out, for her half-sister with whom she had been separated. Her sister ran the video porn site. Havers and Lynley suspect one of her regular clients, but the list of suspects grows the more they learn. They also learn about a murder 14 years earlier which may be connected.
Good mystery, even though my sister and I figured out the whole thing rather quickly. That was because of the work my sister does and also from seeing and reading thousands of detective stories and mysteries over the years. It's very well done.
On the personal side of things, Lynley and Helen have decided to be friends. We'll see where this is going.
Good entry into the series, with Lynley in a better mood than the last two episodes.