Jennifer Garner credited as playing...
Julia Fitzpatrick
- Julia Fitzpatrick: What do you do with the flowers?
- Reed Bennett: You know the ones that nobody wants?
- Julia Fitzpatrick: So you're giving them a second life?
- Reed Bennett: Yeah, most chaps throw them away. I like the idea that tomorrow somebody's going to see them floating by, wonder where they come from, behind the mystery of it all. I used to, actually, put them together and practice new designs with them and drop them off at a random doorstep with notes in it: "Somebody out there loves you". And they get to thinking, "What if they found out that somebody me? Would they want me to be the one that loves them?"
- Julia Fitzpatrick: I would... want that.
- Julia Fitzpatrick: My name is Julia. And I'm gonna be your server tonight. Why don't I get started with a few specials?
- Pamela Copeland: Yes, please.
- Julia Fitzpatrick: Tonight the chef is featuring a dish that he likes to call the Lying, Stinking, Pig.
- Pamela Copeland: You're kidding! How is that cooked?
- Julia Fitzpatrick: He starts by cutting off the pig's testicles and he chops them up really finely, teeny, tiny pieces. And then he takes those testicles and he pulverizes them and adds in a little arugula. Some sage, feta cheese, and shoves the mixture back up the pig's well, for lack of a better word, ass.
- Pamela Copeland: Really?
- Julia Fitzpatrick: Yeah. Then he cuts out the heart. The cold, useless, tiny, little heart. Then fillets it on either side and it's a nice amuse bouche.
- Pamela Copeland: I'll have the salmon.
- Dr. Harrison Copeland: What's there to hate?
- Julia Fitzpatrick: Nothing, if you're a handsome, divorced doctor, but for the rest of us single women, it's kind of a giant cosmic bitchslap. It's like the universe saying, look, remember when you were fourteen and you had cystic acne and braces and you played the saxophone in the marching band and no one would invite you to the winter formal? Well nothing's changed.
- Dr. Harrison Copeland: Oh, I would crawl over cut glass to take you to the winter formal. And then I would prescribe Retin-A for your skin.
- Kara Monahan: You came.
- [sees Julia is mad]
- Kara Monahan: What happened?
- Julia Fitzpatrick: [Julia gestures for the bat. Kara let's her take it] He's married.
- Julia Fitzpatrick: [Julia destroys the heart pinata with the baseball bat!] Now that's what I call open-heart surgery.
- Julia Fitzpatrick: Peppermint Pattie?
- Kara Monahan: Yep.
- [Kara takes the candy from Julia]