Captain Kathryn Janeway: I think we need to define some parameters... about us.
Commander Chakotay: I'm not sure I can... define parameters, but I can tell you a story, an ancient legend among my people. It's about an angry warrior who lived his life in conflict with the rest of his tribe, a man who couldn't find peace, even with the help of his spirit guide. For years he... struggled with his discontent, but the only satisfaction he ever got came when he was in battle. This made him a hero among his tribe; but the warrior still longed for peace within himself. One day, he and his war party... were captured by a neighboring tribe, led by a woman warrior. She called on him to join her, because her tribe was too small and weak to defend itself from all its enemies. The woman warrior was brave and beautiful, and very wise. The angry warrior swore to himself... that he would stay by her side, doing whatever he could to make her burden lighter. From that point on, her needs would come first, and in that way... the warrior began to know... the true meaning of peace.
Captain Kathryn Janeway: Is that really... an ancient legend?
Commander Chakotay: No, but that made it easier to say.