[Sam has to testify as Katie at her rape trial the next morning]
Sam: Al. I think I figured out the solution to the problem.
Al: Well, then you're doing better than me and Ziggy.
Sam: Who's the one person who can tell us the truth about what happened that night?
Al: Katie.
Sam: Right. So we bring her in to testify.
Al: A-ha. How can we do that? She's in the waiting room.
Sam: No, wait a second. What if she's in the imaging chamber?
Al: And touching me!
Sam: Then I can see her.
Al: Yeah, but you couldn't hear her. And your lip-reading is terrible, as- Oh! I could repeat everything she says.
Sam: No, no, no, that would take too long. You have to figure out a way for me to hear her.
Al: How?
Sam: Well, I haven't figured that out. That's for you and Ziggy to work out.
Al: In twelve hours?
Sam: Oh, come on, twelve hours. What's twelve hours? You and Ziggy together? Come on!
Al: What makes you so sure?
Sam: It's all the time I got.