To the Disney Channel fans of the Proud Family, recently I watched The Proud Family episode "Rumors" on Disney Plus and while I was watching it. It showed Oscar making insensitive remarks about birds and the part where Oscar getting attacked by a flock of birds just like Alferd Hitchcock movie "The Birds" 1963 is too scary to watch even for a kids Disney show.
Also after Penny leaves her dog upstairs alone to Babysit the 2 baby twins. It shows the 2 baby twins torturing the dog and abusing it like with some of the Tiny Toons Adventures episodes by sending the dog in the streets on roller skates and almost getting hit by a car. The worst part is the twins attempt to launch the dog tied on a rocket which made me very angry.
Also I didn't like it that Penny was locked in the closet with a teenage boy named Myron who is claustrophobic and has Asmina. That was very cruel of the school bullies to do that, that was very upsetting to watch. I also didn't like that the bullies were allowed to get away with gossiping and making up fake rumors and not letting Penny explain or listen to her.
I'm very shocked and upset that this controversial Disney Channel episode "Rumors" was approved and allowed for animal cruelty depictions with the poodle dog getting abused by the 2 babies and made fun of people with disabilities like Myron getting abused to be shown on Disney Channel in 2001. It's even shown on Disney Plus.
If the Disney Plus staff reads this IMDB review. Please remove this problematic episode from Disney Plus right away, it is no longer funny or acceptable to have animal cruelty as a joke and make fun of disabled people like Myron getting bullied and abused. I would ask fans of The Proud Family to skip this awful problematic episode on Disney Plus.
I'm very ashamed of the story writers for even joking about animal cruelty and bullying people with disabilities. This outdated episode either needs to be pulled and banned from Disney Plus or else given a label warning for mistreatment for animals and people with disabilities. I never want to see this Proud Family episode ever again, I hope this awful episode becomes unavailable. Skip this awful Proud Family episode and watch better ones like "I had a Dream" or "Strike" instead.