You know this is going to be a different kind of MI episode, when there is no meet-and-confer planning session in Jim's apartment. Indeed, the only two MI team members on this assignment are Jim and Rollin, which is very unusual.
This episode is also very different because it features Jim having romantic feelings for the agent Nicole, guest star Joan Collins. Essentially, this is a story with a major focus on these two human beings. All that technical stuff which is Barney's special province is mostly not going on here. Which is fine, because the story is moving and powerful! Joan Collins is exceptionally beautiful and alluring, and shows her fine acting skills. There is a feeling of romantic intensity to this episode. I'm a big fan of MI, but this episode struck me as a welcome change from the usual setup.
As a side note, three of the guest stars in this episode also appeared in the original Star Trek! Joan, of course, was the guest star in that classic Star Trek where Kirk and Spock visit 1930's earth. Logan Ramsey, the main bad guy in this MI, was also the main bad guy in that episode where Jim & Co. Find a planet that is an updated version of ancient Rome. And Jon Lormer, who appears briefly here, was in three Star Trek episodes.
This is a strong episode of MI that is emotionally involving. We don't need all of the team to be present for there to be a great episode, and this one proves that point.