Joe Mannix: Clint Williams?
Clint Williams: Yeah. What can I do for you?
Joe Mannix: My name is Mannix. I'm a private investigator. I wonder if you'd mind answering a few questions.
Clint Williams: About what?
Joe Mannix: Bill Rogell's murder.
Clint Williams: Oh, yeah. Was a terrible thing. Bill and I were in 'Nam together.
Joe Mannix: So I understand.
Clint Williams: He tell you?
Joe Mannix: His wife did.
Clint Williams: Oh, yeah. Well, what's to investigate? Way the news had it, it was just some punk out for Bill's money.
Joe Mannix: The police have pretty much given up on that theory.
Clint Williams: Why?
Joe Mannix: Last night, an attempt was made on Mrs. Rogell's life.
Clint Williams: She okay?
Joe Mannix: Oh, fine.
Clint Williams: That's good. Uh, did the police grab the guy?
Joe Mannix: What makes you think it was just one guy, Mr. Williams? You have somebody in mind?
Clint Williams: What do you mean?
Joe Mannix: Well, the assailant or assailants weren't identified, yet you jumped to the conclusion that it was just one man.
Clint Williams: Look, I haven't seen Bill Rogell in two, three years.
Joe Mannix: You saw him yesterday, didn't you?
Clint Williams: Well, yeah, but just for a minute or two. So what?
Joe Mannix: Why didn't you say so?
Clint Williams: Because it wasn't important.
Joe Mannix: Look, Mr. Williams, anything that happens to a man just before he's murdered is important.
Clint Williams: Look... he got off a bus in San Pedro. We rapped a little and that was it.
Joe Mannix: What'd you rap about?
Clint Williams: You know. "How you been? What are you up to?" Like that.
Joe Mannix: I'd like you to reconstruct the conversation, word for word.
Clint Williams: Why?
Joe Mannix: So far, Mr. Williams, your meeting with Bill is the only lead we have. Now, look, you do want to help to catch the man who killed Bill, don't you?
Clint Williams: Of course I do. But I'm up to my neck right now. Why don't you come by my place this evening? I get off work at 5:00.
Joe Mannix: How about during your lunch break?
Clint Williams: I'm brown-bagging it today. Got to catch up on all this work.
Joe Mannix: Okay, what's the address?
Clint Williams: 1324 Hay Street. That's out Echo Park way.
Joe Mannix: Thanks, Mr. Williams.