[Here at the restaurant. Daniel having a conversation with Rosalind]
Daniel Siegfried: The fact that Leland McKenzie is not here is indicative of my problem. I'm not getting the service I need.
Rosalind Shays: And just how has our service been inadequate?
Daniel Siegfried: To begin with, our last three distribution contracts have left us considerably exposed. And for that, I blame you.
Rosalind Shays: That's very interesting because I blame you.
Daniel Siegfried: Excuse me?
Rosalind Shays: Those contracts were all drafted by outside counsel for your subsidiaries, and you didn't let us supervise.
Daniel Siegfried: So you're gonna blame the other lawyers? That's not very professional.
Rosalind Shays: You misunderstood. I'm blaming you. You're the one that has hired all those different attorneys.
Daniel Siegfried: I don't want the same lawyers for everybody, it's not good business practice.
Rosalind Shays: Well, that's wrong. There is no reason to arm everybody with different attorneys so they can generate fees, and make separate deals with distributors. It's not only counter productive, but it potentially exposes you to anti-trust problems. Now, that makes you look stupid, Mr. Siegfried. Let one firm draft all of your contracts, let one firm represent both you and your subsidiaries.
Daniel Siegfried: And I suppose this one firm should be McKenzie Brackman?
Rosalind Shays: I'm not going lie to you. We've had our problems. Maybe Leland McKenzie isn't what used to be, but I will promise you this: if you leave your business here, I will personally take responsibility.
Daniel Siegfried: And I can be sure you're this good?
Rosalind Shays: They brought me in here because I'm not good. I make money, Mr. Siegfried. Money for my firm, money for the clients I serve, money for you.
[Daniel is paused]
Rosalind Shays: Give me 3 months. If you're not like what you get, you walk away.
[Daniel Siegfried found out that he see the point]