No Spoilers. Probably best to just skip this episode as it adds nearly nothing to the overall plot or development of characters. The basic plot sees Travis Mayweather spending several days visiting the freighter he grew up on and encountering various levels of discontent with his having left for Starfleet. We also see T'pol complaining extra hard for most of the episode about being coerced into fraternizing with the crew for 'Movie Night'.
The main flaws are that the episode is corny, poorly acted, badly written and under-dramatic. What could have been a powerful homecoming with a complex emotional landscape falls flat, at best, and is cringe-worthy at worst. The freighter, Horizon, is populated by less-than-believable family members who treat Travis with a coolness that conveys less that they are shunning him and more that they have simply never seen him before and are forced at gunpoint to pretend they have. The acting is terrible on every level with only Billingsley and Trineer coming out unscathed.
Much of the dramatic plot movements happen off-screen which is bad enough but, worse so does the emotional reaction. When we do see an emotional scene it feels forced and stilted with little warmth or realism. The episode is much like a high school play written by an eighth grader. It references the human condition without having long personal experience with it, leaving the viewer bored and incensed with the waste of their time.