Nice film, interesting story about a man and his son traveling through Palestine. We see a father & son interaction, problems in travel, get some background on the father & son, a stop at a roadblock, and start what looks to be an interesting story. Then it ends. Abruptly, quite abruptly. So what happened to the rest of the story? Stories don't need to be all tidily wrapped up for me but seriously, this short is like they ran out of money about 2/3 of shooting and ended it right there. I don't think anything that was introduced in this film was concluded at all. It was all left up in the air.
I felt like a hitchhiker being picked up and starting an interesting journey with the father & son. Looks like we will be together for a little ways and suddenly there is a fork in the road and I'm told "Oh, we can no longer go your way. Our direction has changed and we have to drop you off here. Nice to get the ride but disappointed it ended short.