Yes this movie is plodding and boring and never really goes any where.It does however manage to rip off about all of Romero's zombie movies instead of just one like most terribly made zombie movies do.
A group of people end up hiding out in a warehouse after some sort of experimental material is released that turns people in brain dead zombies who ,of course, have to eat lots of meat to keep up their metabolism.This will sort of remind you of both "Night of the Living Dead" and "Dawn of the Dead".They even mention the plot to "Night of the Living Dead " at one point! The leader of the group turns out to be some government courier agent who was escorting some weird albino chick who is somehow involved in all of this.He is,of course, a black guy.Meanwhile in a subplot a group of scientists and military men are holed up in another compound conducting experiments on the zombies like in "Day of the Dead".One of the zombies is especially mean and nasty and this sort of echoes "Land of the Dead".This movie even manages to rip off the remake of "Dawn of the Dead" as the group fights their way from the warehouse to a van.Anyway this movie isn't nearly good enough for you to care too much about the plot.It's basically one big rip-off.
The acting is terrible,there is no character development and the zombies are few and far in between.Since when has zombie movies turned into movies that show few zombies but lots of scenes where people are just TALKING about zombies? Sheesh! Special effects are pretty mundane....little black holes appear in the zombie foreheads when they are shot and we have a few shots of what are supposed to be guts being pulled but all in all the gore factor is lame.Much of the movie is just these people standing around in this warehouse listening to zombies bang around on the walls outside.
Skip this low budget snoozer and rent something by Romero instead if you're hankering for zombies.This is just another poorly done lame zombie movie made by people who have about as much talent for movie making as Miley Cyrus does for singing.