I will miss your show. I loved the concept of your show. It was real and fresh. I never saw a Hollywood style scripted change coming. I thought you had it all and you had it raw. I WILL MISS YOU !!! and your crew. I will not watch the new series with a fake crew and if A&E doesn't want you remember we do and we will look forward to seeing you in a new show on a new channel. we look forward to seeing what mess your crew can get you into and what steps you will take to get out of it. And the ability to make some serious cash along the way keeps us all wishing we could have the guts to step out on that limb and jump in with both feet first and ask questions second. You are a real inspiration to all the people who have ever taken a chance on anything. OH and don't ever give up Ginger...she is HOT! and a smart piece of eye candy...uncommon in the real world. Good luck with your lawsuit and new series