- Chef Ramsay: Hey. Hey, you. Hey. Come here. Let me whisper something very important in your ear. Very important: fuck off. Get out!
- Chef Ramsay: [disappointed and confused, repeated line to a contestant when they present him a dish with some type of discrepancy] seriously?
- Chef Ramsay: [Repeated line to the entire team when they make the same mistake on multiple occasions in one service] I've had enough
- Chef Ramsay: [disappointed and confused, repeated line to a contestant when they present him a dish with some type of discrepancy] honestly?
- Chef Ramsay: [repeated line to a depressed and demoralized contestant after they lost a challenge or if their performing poorly during dinner service] don't give up: fight back.
- Chef Ramsay: [repeated line to contestants implying he'll give them another chance by staying in the completion] Back in line.
- Chef Ramsay: [Repeated line to a contestant when he feels their cooking and working too slow, implying their falling asleep] wakey, wakey
- Chef Ramsay: [repeated line to a contestant before they run the hotplate and start their quality control test challenge, referring to the other contestants and the sous chefs] you have to run the brigade, you can't let the brigade run you.
- Chef Ramsay: [repeated line, instructions to the teams for creating their own menu for dinner service] your menu, my standards, got it?
- Chef Ramsay: [repeated line to one of the teams during dinner service] you're all looking like a bunch of chickens with your heads cut off.
- Chef Ramsay: [repeated line to the contestant he considers the weakest, implying he'll give them another chance to stay in the competition] I'm not ready to give up on you.
- Chef Ramsay: [repeated line to a contestant when they make the same mistake multiple times] not good enough
- Chef Ramsay: [repeated line to a contestant when they make the same mistake on many occasions] leave me alone
- Chef Ramsay: [repeated line to a contestant, implying he'll give them another chance to stay in the competition] wake up
- Chef Ramsay: [repeated line and telling the losing team what the punishment is] I want both kitchens cleaned and prepped ahead of tonight's dinner service.
- Chef Ramsay: [repeated line to a contestant, encouraging them not to give up, suggesting they improve if he sees a decline in their performance] bounce back
- Chef Ramsay: [repeated line to the contestants, stating the start for the team challenge or individual challenge] off you go.
- Chef Ramsay: [Repeated line to the team that did not complete dinner service] get upstairs and give me two names that should be up for elimination.
- Chef Ramsay: [Repeated line to a contestant when they've been nominated for elimination] tell me why you think you're up for elimination?
- Chef Ramsay: [Repeated line to a contestant when they've been nominated for elimination] tell me why you think you should stay.
- Chef Ramsay: [Repeated question to a contestant, referring to the dark portions on a burnt scallop they personally cooked and brought to him] are you color blind?
- Chef Ramsay: [Repeated line to a contestant when they bring him undercooked scallops, referring to the texture of the scallops] rubber, rubber, rubber!
- Chef Ramsay: [Repeated line to a contestant when he feels they're cooking and working too slow, implying their falling asleep] Wakey, wakey.
- Chef Ramsay: [Repeated line to the wining team that won the first part of a team challenge, that was only used as a diversion of what the actual team challenge was] you won nothing.
- Chef Ramsay: [Repeated line to one of the teams after they keep making one mistake after another] does any have my back here?