You looking for Sci-Fi? It's got it. Action? It's got it. Drama? That too! This show has got it all. With tastes of Horror, Romance, Mystery, even some Western. It really depends on the episode. While not episode is perfect, every episode can be appreciated. While the main idea of the show doesn't change, the show has experimented in many ways. The show is ever changing, with the main cast being swapped every few years. With such a big history, there's a reason the show still stands strong to this day. The episodes give nods to the past, and hints to the future. With this capability, it truly has an infinite potential.
This show truly has affected my life in ways I'd never believed. I went into the show believing it to be a cliché, boring Sci-Fi (I'd never been a fan of the genre), but after just a few episodes I was absolutely hooked. With each new main character added, you quickly learn to love them, despite your disbelief in the ability to after such a heartbreaking exit, which I'll get into later. The characters are written brilliantly, and by the end there run, you always say that the next person coming along will never be as good. Every time, your proved wrong. While everyone has their favorites, each Companion and Doctor have moments to shine, and are all brilliant in their own way.
This show truly is something special. I'll support this show for decades, and I give it a very easy 10/10.