37 of 57 found this to have none
Rodney grabs Rita's legs as he falls from a high place, accidentally pulling down her pants and revealing her underwear.
Rodney puts his hand down Rita's underwear/rear while looking for a paperclip in her back pocket.
Whitey remarks, "the booty's in the booty" after spotting a jewel in Rita's back pocket. The other characters remark how her bottom is oddly-shaped.
An elderly character has a crush on Rodney, believing him to be Tom Jones. Rodney sings an improv song in Tom Jones's voice about a lady with big undies and size xxl undies while he stretches a pair of bloomers around with his hands.
There's jokes of male rats getting hit in their groin.
Rodney and Rita flirt with each other.
Spike threatens Roddy with a Nutcracker he calls "the persuader" and says he will answer in a much higher voice implying a double entendre.
Roddy humorously puffs his cheeks underwater in some scenes.
Sid wears shirts that reveal his stomach.
Mild animated suggestive content.
17 of 35 found this mild
Rodney learns that the "rice" he's been eating is actually live maggots. The maggots sing to him about it, and about "hurling".
Spike and Whitey end up being partially frozen by liquid nitrogen while trying to subject Rita and Roddy to the same. As they chase after them (still partially frozen together), Whitey accidentally slams Spike into a column and the two of them then fall onto others.
Spike and Roddy both hit their crotches numerous times of pipes and various sewage construction materials.
Rita's beloved boat, made from a child's grabbing-robotic-arm toy, is sentient, and it falls into the rapids at some point, falling apart and getting destroyed by the water.
Spike threatens Roddy with a corkscrew.
Slugs are stepped on numerous times.
A little girl brings a pet cat home for her rat to play with. It's implied that the cat will eat the rat.
25 of 38 found this to have none
Some scatological humour and body humour, including some poop jokes (a rat defecates on the floor and refers to it as "chocolate buttons"), a fart joke, jokes about not being able to pee until halftime; one of Rita's little sisters constantly picks her nose in various shots.
Some mild expletives "heck", "crazy", "booty", etc., the only swearword is snitch
20 of 34 found this mild
As part of Rita's house falls apart, we see a roach sitting as if on a toilet with a pipe and reading material.
Le Frog is seen drinking wine.
17 of 29 found this mild
The loss of Rita's boat is quite sad; the boat appears to be sentient and waves goodbye to her as it sinks beneath the rapids.
The main villain may be harrowing to some viewers.
None/Moderate for neurodivergent viewers.
Even though the movie is cute, it's a little crude.
Pretty bold/adventurous movie.
Roddy hears strange sounds inside the house, slowly goes to look, and then sees a muddy eruption from the kitchen sink. But he doesn't see a mud-covered figure, looking like a monster, coming up behind him with its arms reaching out (but it turns out to be Sid who has no ill wishes toward him).
After Sid flushes him down the toilet, and he travels a long way, Roddy pops out of the system and finds himself far above the city, falling toward it. However, he turns out to be just a few feet above a sidewalk drawing (depicting an aerial view looking down) upon which he lands.
Spike, Whitey, and others chase after Roddy and Rita in her boat through the city on its "river." One rat bounces off a large float into another rat, while Spike ends up on the boat, standing on Roddy and preparing to stab him with a corkscrew or something similar (attacked to a line trailing behind him). Rita then hits the propellant, Spike's line goes taut, and he's yanked backwards off the boat, wraps around and slams into a pipe several times, and then lands on a pipe on his crotch.
Rita's boat goes through a river passage labeled as dangerous, and the rapids are rough as Rita battles with Le Frog. The boat then blasts out into an opening, with its mechanical arm grabbing a pipe above it. That results in the boat dangling vertically from it, with Roddy falling and Rita catching him (as she dangles from the end). Le Frog then dislodges the hand's fingers from the pipe, causing the boat to fall. But Roddy and Rita quickly create a makeshift parachute, with the updraft lifting them up and above Le Frog (although her boat crashes into the whirlpool below and sinks).
Roddy finds Rita tied up, dangling in front of a floodgate that's opening (and will allow a tidal wave of toilet water to wash over her and the city). Roddy then flies up to her on a balloon of sorts, with Toad firing staples at him (like a machine gun), eventually popping the balloon.