Another site has incorrect info about how Kidd died in 1989. I was a close friend and dive buddy of his for a ten year period and spoke with him just a day before he died by phone. We both lived in Raleigh at that time. Actually they are wrong and he did not die in a diving accident at all. Such was the desire of friends to keep this legend of a person alive. I dived with Kidd for about 10 years off of NC and he loved spearfishing grouper on the wrecks, and just being out at sea. I had a great closeness to him. Unfortunately Kidd somehow became depressed that winter(no one really knew) and about 2 weeks before his death he was placed on an antidepressant, and he committed suicide with a gun in his mouth. Everyone was in complete shock including me, as he seemed to have the world at his feet at the time. he had a seagull tattooed on his butt, and he would joke around that he'd let me see it fly..LOL.. It was a very sad time and about 500 friends came to his memorial service. His sister had the song played wind beneath my wings by Bette Midler and i to this day can't hear the song without thinking of Kidd as an angel up in the blue sky heaven with puffy clouds all around him. He was one of the most handsome men I have ever seen.
I don't know where this site got the misinformation that he was in some diving accident. That would never have happened to Kidd, he was like the 6 of us that dived together for the 10 years off NC on the wrecks, an excellent diver.The man had heart. I think of him often, and stumbled on this site with his name on it and had to check it out. I knew it was the same person because he was in the Abyss and in Paraná II with Lee Majors as an underwater stunt double. At the time of his death he was married to a beautiful woman, and owned an exquisite restaurant behind Crabtree valley Mall in Raleigh. His father's company had built that mall. I don't know how to tell the site they have their info wrong,, do you? When I knew Kidd i was married to Harold Quidley and excellent underwater photographer. Kidd protected us from possible sharks while we were shooting photos on the wrecks sometimes.
Donna Potter