Stara basn is a movie which has polarised many in the Sydney Polish community because of its sympathetic treatment of paganism in Poland.
The solar deity of the Poles and the Viking Odin are portrayed as very real and very powerful. The Polish solar deity is arguably similar to the Old Testament god in terms of expectations placed upon his followers and his vengeful nature. The climax of the movie ties in with a particular biblical episode and one of the Tarot Major Arcana cards - you'll know what I mean when you see it. Divination and sorcery are shown to be effective on a number of occasions.
While the modest budget of the movie precluded the dramatic special effects which we have grown used to, it has a rawness and honesty to it which I found absolutely irresistible.
I unhesitatingly recommend it to anyone with an interest in alternate spirituality and to those Poles wanting to get a feel for what life was like for their ancestors who followed a simple faith developed by Poles for Poles, before Christianity was forcibly imposed from without.
Tony Mierzwicki