This film is based on Max Factor heir, Andrew Luster, a resident of Ventura County and fan of dosing unwary females with GHB (a sometimes lethal anesthesia drug, which has no taste or odor), and then committing serial rape and abuse.
This film falls into a positive LMN category as it is something every young girl should watch along with any mother. It is sometimes incomprehensible to realize what sociopaths are capable of. Until we read the true horrific headlines in the local news, we think it can never happen in our neighborhood, or to us. So untrue. A false sense of security is what sociopaths prey on. Many of the victims here were educated, decent people, who simply fell into a relationship or meeting with the culprit, Andrew Luster. Jason Gedrick is excellent, looks the part; an arrogant, privileged sociopath who laughs at the police detective, saying the police will never jail him: he is a Max Factor heir, he is above the law. (How many times have we seen this attitude in the national news, this year alone.) Lisa Edelstein as State Prosecutor also deserves credit for a good performance. Disgusted by Luster, she makes it her mission to prosecute him for crimes inflicted upon victims Connie, Sara, and Teri. Marla Sokoloff as Connie, and her father (well-portrayed by Robert Wisden) reflect the tragedy and outrage a father and daughter endure together, I can only hope the actual victims received ample family support.
Overall an important true story. Anyone interested in the psychology of sociopaths behavior may also be interested in DTMS/Times Discovery Channel, esteemed forensic psychiatrist Dr. Stone has a show entitled "Absolute Evil" wherein he dissects true crimes by sociopaths and murderers. 8/10.